Saturday, December 8, 2007

Why Buy A Mac

Well its Christmas time once again, and i have a lot of people, both friends and strangers asking my what to buy. Now it is true I am a Mac tech and a true mac fan, but that doesn't cloud my judgment. I am still able to make a sound recommendation for the person in the end.

My thing is always what will you be doing with the computer, and though to mac heads this isn't a fair question, because anything you can do on a PC you can do better on a Mac. Well this is mainly to get the PC person to say what it is they are doing then I can show them how doing it on a Mac is just as easy if not easier. Then there are the PC only programs to worry about.... well Macs now have the ability to run window operating systems through boot camp or parallels so that is no longer a factor.

Macs and PCs are typically the same function wise the look and feel are different. The best way I heard it summed up is, Windows users tolerate their computers to get stuff done. The Mac crowd enjoys its machines.

There is a little bit of a learning curve to be a switcher but it is small. Things like PCs recycle bin is Macs trash, to close a window PCs click on the top right of a window, Macs click on the top left.

Macs try to make everything you do easier and they do it in style. There sleek design and intuitive software make using a mac an after thought. You think more about what your doing on the computer then the computer your on.

Mac do come at a slightly higher price then PCs in general but, i have had a few techs argue that if you equip a PC with everything a mac has hardware and software wise then the PC would be about the same price.

I will save the battle of macs do not get viruses and that in itself is worth its weight in gold.
So there is a reason why Apple owners heap lavish praise on Macs. They are solid and elegant computers that are well worth your consideration.
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